Erasing 76 Crimes
Covering the human toll of 70-plus countries’ anti-gay laws and the struggle to repeal them.
More than 4.6 million views from 2012 to now.
Central website for the African Human Rights Media Network.
Via Facebook, 30,000 interactions in a year; more than 11,000 followers.
76 Crimes en français
Mettant l’accent sur le bilan humain des lois antigay de 70+ pays et la lutte pour les abroger.
More than 130,000 views from 2014 to now.
Nigeria’s #1 media platform committed to advancing LGBT equality and providing resources for Nigeria’s LGBT community.
Averaging 204,000 views per year.

Rainbow Caribbean
An inclusive, safe space on Facebook where members of the LGBTQ+ community in the Caribbean can keep abreast of issues that affect them.
More than 10,300 followers.
Project Not Alone / Pas Seul
We publicize the stories of individual LGBTQ Cameroonians imprisoned simply for whom they love. Then we use donations to buy food for them and pay their fines so they can leave prison early.
Prisoners fed and freed — 9 in 2018-2020, 11 in 2021-2022.
An Android app providing free confidential advice to LGBTQ+ Nigerians.
More than 2,000 Qtalk users, 15 counselors.
All African LGBTQ
A new member of the African Human Rights Media Network, it celebrates African and African diaspora same-sex weddings and promotes LGBTQ rights.
More than 168,000 followers